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7 Ways Your Relationship Ought To Make You Better

One of the greatest gains of your relationship is not what you will get out of it but who you will become by it. Being in a relationship is a beautiful experience. But if there is no improvement in who you are, you should really question the necessity of such a relationship. Every relationship should add value to who you are.
Here are seven crucial ways your relationship ought to help you become a better person.

1. More tolerant: 

No matter how perfect your partner may seem at the beginning, relationship will overtime show you their weakness. Time is a true illuminator. After all the euphoria that accompanies the relationship in the first couple of weeks, reality sets in. It is perfectly natural to see flaws that will make you begin to wonder what you saw in them in the first place. Eventually, if your relationship will stand the test of time, it will teach you to be more accommodating, tolerant and forgiving.

2. More sacrificial: 
If you do not know how to let go of something that you want so others can be satisfied, get ready for this lesson in your relationship. Your relationship will teach you how to be sacrificial. The idea behind being sacrificial is not just giving your time, or resources. It is about choosing to give your time and resources to your relationship even when other things demand you of them. How far your relationship will go will be determined by the sacrifices you and your partner make.

3. More caring:

 Some people are naturally wired to stand aloof and just watch how things go with others. But when it comes to matters of the heart, get ready to be concerned about your partner. The little things that naturally wouldn’t even cause you to bat an eyelid will suddenly make you worried once you notice them in your partner. It can even get to the point that your partner will cough and your attention will fly to him/her. Should your partner mention to you that they could not eat breakfast because of loss of appetite, it gets you slightly worried. Yes, it will eventually get you to be a more caring person.

4. More generous:

 Love gives. That statement is brief but it is a powerful fact. When we love someone, we naturally want to give them something. There is the natural desire to do something or give something just to see that charming arc on the face of your partner. Their smile is the compensation that you derive after being generous with them. If your partner is more interested in only receiving rather than giving, it has become exploitation rather than a relationship.

5. More empathy: 

Love has a way of opening the heart. Your relationship will make it easy for you to relate the problems of your partner. Even if it used to be all about you before now, once you have a partner, you become someone that can be touched by the weakness and challenges of others. This is what makes people become sad because of what their partners are going through. It is as though their challenges become your challenges too. You can relate to their problems, issues and pains.

6. More determined: 

Have you seen someone that it seems cannot be determined to finish a task or project? Just watch that person when he is in love. The determination to make the relationship work will suddenly appear from nowhere. Anybody in a relationship will readily agree that relationships have problems on the inside and have oppositions from the outside. Sometimes, situation will present you with every opportunity to quit the relationship. It is your determination that will make you insist on making it work regardless the challenges.

7. More Silent:

 No matter how much of a talkative you are, you will soon learn with time the importance of keeping your mouth shut. The more public your relationship gets, the more it has the tendency to crumble. You will learn to stop complaining about your partner’s weaknesses because most people secretly hope for your relationship to fail. They may encourage you in your presence, but you will be the topic of discussion

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